Angling Trust: the definative answer to the rights of paddlers.
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Thursday, 26th January, 2017
QC’s legal advice proves there is no general public
right to navigate non-tidal rivers in England and Wales
Fish Legal and the Angling Trust have been working very hard for many years to resolve the ongoing problems with widespread unlawful canoeing. This week we published three opinions from a QC which confirm that the law is entirely clear that there is no general public right of navigation in England and Wales, and we reported on the conclusion of a legal case against a canoeist in North Wales who refused to respect the terms of a very reasonable access agreement.
We live in hope that this new information will reduce trespass onto our members’ waters and that the canoeing governing bodies will now start supporting voluntary access agreements that allow more canoeing on rivers, but without damaging fish and fishing. ▶︎ Read more
Help protect fishing and get the chance to win a day’s shooting for you and 7 pals worth £15,000
The Angling Trust & Fish Legal need your support for our campaigns and legal action to protect fish and fishing. For just £100, you can have a very good chance of winning a day’s shooting for you and up to 7 other guns at the prestigious Hurdcott/Compton Chamberlayne shoot in Wiltshire, complete with a fine lunch served at Hurdcott House.
Tickets are strictly limited to 300, so the odds are good, particularly if everyone in your team buys a ticket! Tickets must be sold by 31st March 2017 at the latest but might sell out sooner, so enter now to avoid missing out.
No, Ministers! You’re wrong
English and Welsh Fisheries Ministers have been challenged by the Angling Trust to correct misleading statements they published regarding targeted netting for threatened stocks of sea bass, which they said would still be legal in 2017. In fact, EU ministers have ruled that only “unavoidable by-catches” are legal.
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Fundraising Dinner, Wednesday 3rd May
Following the success of last year’s event, we are holding another dinner on Wednesday, 3rd May at the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London to raise money for Fishing For Schools, Casting For Recovery and the Angling Trust & Fish Legal’s campaigns to protect fisheries. There will be fantastic food and wine, a very brief auction of high value items and a silent auction of more affordable lots with ipads on the table.
A table of 10 costs £3,000, and individual tickets are £300. Whether you are coming alone, with your partner, or with a group of 9 friends, please book soon to avoid missing out! Please also let us know if you can donate a suitable lot to help us raise funds for these great causes. To book tickets or donate something for the auction, please contact Pippa Chambers on 020 7840 9258 or
Want to join our
volunteer bailiffs?
Our dedicated army of volunteers are making a real difference in the fight against illegal fishing and fish theft. The Voluntary Bailiff Service acts as the “eyes and ears” on riverbanks and lakes and work closely with the Environment Agency, police and other partners.
The VBS is open for new recruits and will be holding induction and training days in spring. Anyone interested in joining the VBS should email
Please sign up
for Angling Alert
Want to receive alerts about fish poaching and theft, fisheries crime and fisheries enforcement from the Angling Trust, Environment Agency, Police and Cefas?
Sign up for free to
Angling Trust Alert
Crucian waters: updated list
There’s a new list of crucian waters available on the Angling Trust website. It’s been compiled by the National Crucian Conservation Project who have graded the waters according to how they have been managed. If you’re aware of other true crucian waters not on the list email Angling Trust Campaigns Officer James Champkin at
Environmental flaw in Hendry report
The Government’s Hendry report – which gave a cautious backing for the financial case for tidal lagoons – has failed to examine the environmental impact of these colossal developments or to consider alternative technologies to generate tidal power which are currently being developed. Natural Resources Wales has already said the proposed Swansea Bay tidal lagoon could have a major impact on fish, such as salmon and sea trout.
Hydro application ‘falls’ from favour
Fish Legal – working with the ‘Save the Conwy’ group on behalf of several member clubs – celebrated the refusal of a controversial hydroelectric power scheme in October. The scheme for a small scale hydro unit at the iconic Conwy Falls and Fairy Glen was a re-submission of an earlier proposal and led to conservationists, canoeists, walkers and anglers uniting in opposing the proposals put before the Snowdonia National Park Authority
This victory was reinforced by Natural Resources Wales who last month refused the abstraction licence necessary for such a scheme. The decision was a welcome Christmas present to our member clubs with whom we had fought to persuade the regulators against authorising such a disproportionately invasive project.
Testwood abstraction reaches crunch point
Southern Water’s longstanding plans to build a pipeline to transfer potentially large quantities of water from the lower River Test to the lower River Itchen have come to a head.
Licence change applications on both rivers are now being reviewed by the Environment Agency (Testwood/Test) and Secretary of State for Environment (Otterbourne/Itchen), and a planning application for the pipeline is due to be submitted at the end of February. In the meantime, Angling Trust and Fish Legal are meeting the company to raise concerns on behalf of our members who would be affected.
Try Canals
Did you know that 50% of the population of England live within five miles of a canal? That means that you’re likely to have a brilliant fishery right on your doorstep! Canals are now well known as fantastic fisheries for species like big carp and perch which can be targeted with a variety of methods including fly fishing! You can find where to fish from the Canal & Rivers Trust and Angling Trust members get 50% off their Waterways Wanderer permit which gives access to miles of waters not controlled by angling clubs for just £10!
▶︎ We’re running events for families to fish together or for anglers to get back into angling. They are all FREE to attend and tackle and bait is included too. You’ll find a link to special Let’s Go Family Fishing events here.
▶︎ We are hearing about brilliant sea angling catches all around the coast so that’s another reason to join our friendly Species Hunt for a chance to win £2,300 worth of TronixPro prizes. It’s free to enter and there’s tips on the Species Hunt’s Facebook page. Register here.
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