Beavers may be back in Wales ???


A report by the Welsh Beaver Project – led by the six Wildlife Trusts in Wales – has put forward a case to reintroduce nature’s lumberjacks in a pilot project. (Western Mail 22/07/12)

Best described as ‘somewhat selectively scientific ‘  – the full Report (4.9 mb)  and other details are on

Some summary  extracts

10. Beaver interactions with fish are complex and are dependent on many variables. The weight of

evidence suggest that on the whole beaver reintroduction is likely to benefit fish populations

creating habitat for a wide variety of species including those that are considered commercially

important. Adverse effects on some fish species can occur and steps may need to be taken to

address them following a reintroduction.

11. In most circumstances, European beavers are thought to have a negligible impact on migratory

fish at the catchment scale over longer timescales. However, some beaver dams might have the

potential to hinder fish passage during low flow conditions. Intervention may be required to

modify or remove some dams.

15. The ecological surveys undertaken as part of the WBAI have determined that there is abundant

habitat within Wales suitable for beavers. It has also been determined that a beaver

reintroduction to Wales is ecologically feasible. As a result of these initial surveys, six catchments

were selected for further study as potential sites for a pilot beaver reintroduction: Dee, Glaslyn,

Rheidol, Teifi, Eastern Cleddau and Western Cleddau.  (Up to 20 at a time)

Aug 22

Public drop-in day at the Welsh Wildlife Centre, Cilgerran
From 1pm to 8pm

Drop in and meet the team. Learn more about beavers and the proposals for their reintroduction. Learn about the possibility of their release into the River Teifi, or Cleddau Rivers. Pick up leaflets and booklets, see presentations and give your feedback to the Welsh Beaver Project.

The Welsh Wildlife Centre
SA43 2TB
Tel: 01239 621600

For more details contact the
Welsh Beaver Project
Tel: 01248 351541

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