Clare Pillman replies to John Eardley

Ein cyf/Our ref: CX20-145 Your Ref:

Ty Cambria / Cambria House

29 Heol Casnewydd / 29 Newport Road Caerdydd / Cardiff

CF24 0TP / CF24 0TP


John Eardley

By e-mail:

Ffôn/Phone: 0300 065 4453

29 July 2020

Dear Mr Eardley,

I hope that you and your family are keeping safe and well during these difficult times. Thank you for your letter and observations, we note your continued concerns.

I do not underestimate the changes that are required following the decision taken by the Minister to confirm the fishing byelaws. However, as you know, we are clear that such controls are warranted. For maximum impact, these changes to angling need to work alongside wider measures and action across Wales and this is underway.

I continue to emphasise the importance of working proactively with a range of partners. Despite the challenges involved in changing practices we must work collaboratively if our goals are to be met.

As stated in our ‘Plan of Action’ there is a range of initiatives underway. We are also committed to annual assessments of stocks and a mid-term review of the new byelaws in 2024.

I look forward to working with all our partners to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities associated with improving and sustaining resilient environments for our iconic fish populations for many years to come.

Best wishes,

Clare Pillman

Prif Weithredwr, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru Chief Executive, Natural Resources Wale

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