Has somebody high in NRW or the Welsh Government got an anti angling agenda?
We would usually put any Fish Legal posts under the newsletters tab, but the increasing gulf between the treatment of anglers and angling in England and Wales is particularly galling. In Wales we are treated with disdain by NRW senior management and the Assembly Government, in England angling is being encouraged and promoted. Has somebody in NRW or the Welsh Government got an anti angling agenda?
Tuesday, 17th November 2015
All the latest fishing news from the Angling Trust and Fish Legal
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Thank you for subscribing for e-news from Angling Trust & Fish Legal and FishingInfo. In this edition there’s great news for the fight against angling related crime, plus a new £200,000 give-back to angling from rod licence funds as well as money saving member offers…
Angling Trust and Fish Legal – Main News
Six retired police officers join Angling Trust’s fight against fisheries crime
Six former police officers have been appointed to help fight fisheries crime. It now means our enforcement team has a presence across the whole of the country. Read more HERE
Clubs and Fisheries: Help fight illegal fishing
If you hold a position at an angling club or fishery, or know someone who does, please do our survey at
www.surveymonkey.com/r/licencecheck and help us crack down on rod licence crime.
Rod licence sales set to fund even more angling improvement projects
Fish Legal News
You can read more Fish Legal news HERE
Consultation closes for Scottish Government’s revised salmon kill licence proposal
The Scottish Government’s consultation on revised proposals for a new salmon ‘kill licence’ has closed. The original proposals were for a total ban on the killing of salmon except under licence. The revised proposals will allow for the killing of salmon by recreational anglers where the river can demonstrate ‘good conservation status’. The Scottish Government have published a map showing which rivers demonstrate ‘good conservation status’ which is mainly the famous east coast rivers. Whilst fishing organisations have concerns regarding the mechanics of how conservation status is established, the revised proposals have received a cautious welcome.
Fish Legal member suffers beaver damage
As members may know, there is currently an evaluation taking place in Scotland about selective re-introduction of beavers. There is also an escaped wild colony in Devon, the fate of which is currently being considered.
Unfortunately, beavers themselves are not so selective and our member’s fishery in the south of England is suffering worrying tree loss due to an unlawful escape of beavers from an adjacent property. At present our member has been advised to monitor tree damage, in particular to standing trees which are at risk of falling and causing damage due to the unexpected attention of Europe’s largest rodents.
Defra plans to tackle agricultural pollution
Defra has issued a consultation on proposed new rules for farmers in order to tackle agricultural pollution.
Somewhat coincidentally, the consultation follows the High Court’s recent decision to grant WWF-UK, the Angling Trust and Fish Legal permission to challenge Defra and the EA over their failure to protect England’s conservation sites from agricultural pollution. The consultation can be accessedhere should you wish to participate.
General News and Classifieds
Events and articles of interest from the Angling Trust and the world of fishing
Match A Hatch App
We really like this new app for trout anglers called Match A Hatch which does exactly what it says for just £2.99.
It has beautiful and detailed pictures of all the major dry flies from the highly respected Dr Cyril Bennett MBE, and suggestions for the artificial flies that imitate them.
It also provides a guide to the likely flies you will find hatching each month.
Angling Trust & Fish Legal Chief Executive Mark Lloyd said:
“This app is really easy to use and I have found it very helpful for trying to work out what the trout are eating – they can be very picky!
“I’m sure it will help you catch more fish.”
Please Vote For Get Hooked on Fishing
Get Hooked on Fishing has been nominated for the ‘Achievement 2015′ category in Angling Times’ National Angling Awards for the Family Fishing campaign which engaged with 5,000+ anglers.
Carp Society Winter Show
Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 November 2015
Come and meet Angling Trust Carp Team England Gold Medal Champions at the Carp Society Winter Show at Sandown Park ( KT10 9AJ) along with amazing angling artist Dusto. Team Manager Rob Hughes will be joined by some Carp Team members on both days to tell you all about gold winning bait, tactics and strategy that you can apply to your own angling. The boys are on stage Saturday at 2.15 joined by our Campaigns Chief Martin Salter who will have an update on the 3-rod licence issue.
Dusto will be graffiti spraying incredible pictures of carp – watch on as the art is produced on our stand. Don’t miss it – you can even commission a painting of your own fish from a capture-shot you have. Talk to Dusto…
PLUS: All your Winter Show favourites including celebrities, book signings, the latest products, bargains, FREE forums and FREE parking.
> Follow the event on Facebook and get it in your diary NOW!
> Buy advance tickets HERE
Bigger Thames TideFest Championship in 2016
The date for a bigger, better, Thames TideFest Angling Championship organised by the Angling Trust and Thames Water, will be Sunday, September 11th 2016 on the Thames in London.
Environment Agency “Rivercall” phone line closes
The Environment Agency “Rivercall” phone line is now closed but you can still get river level info free from FishingInfo.co.uk
Come and meet Polish Anglers for a pike fish-in
Unique reel making equipment for sale
Our Trade Member, Dave Lewthwaite is disposing of his production equipment for Lewtham Products well known and highly regarded centre-pin reels, including the Magnum Black and Blue, Leeds and Swift centrepins. Interested in preserving a bit of angling history? Contact Dave on dw.lewthwaite@ntlworld.com
Help us get more people fishing more often…
Our participation events and competitions are for anglers of all abilities. Get involved, come along, bring a friend and have a go! Don’t forget that occasional anglers and newcomers can buy a one-day or eight-day rod licence.
Calling All Sea Anglers:
Sea Angling Species Hunt – Have You Registered Yet?
We’ve just updated our Species Hunt for sea anglers pages with the latest results and news. The competition has great prizes and more chances to win
Competition News
Read all the latest Angling Trust Competition news HERE
RiverFest 2015 – come along to the final…
It’s the RiverFest final weekend this Saturday and Sunday so come along to see some of the UK’s leading river anglers on arguably our best running water venue. Parking, match length access and entry to the prize presentation is all FREE and Hereford town centre is a 5 minute walk away for those who don’t want to watch. The action kicks off at 10.30am and ends at 3.30pm each day.
> More info for spectators
Opportunity to join Angling Trust
Team England Fly Fishing Competitions Committee
The Angling Trust is inviting experienced, passionate and dedicated volunteers to join our Team England Fly Fishing Competitions Committee.
Enter the National Fishing League
Winter Season and win prizes
The National Fishing League Winter Season is underway but it’s not too late to register to win prizes. It’s FREE and you could be crowned National Fishing League Champion!
Member Offers
Angling Trust members get great special offers and discounts. There are more membership benefitson our website. To access these offers you will need a membership number so please join and support our campaigns for fish and fishing.
10% off EZ Feeda
EZ Feeda is a British company that has designed a single handed catapult for loose feeding bait. Angling Trust individual members get 10% of when they checkout online.
10% off Bank Tackle
Online specialists in carp tackle offering a huge range of high quality terminal gear, equipment and luggage. Great products and customer service with free delivery on UK orders. Angling Trust individual members get 10% off when they checkout online.
Social Media – Follow us!
Find Us Online
Try “Fishing Info” our website that allows you to find fishing venues, tackle shops, coaches and clubs near you and save them as your favourites:
Buy a 1 day, 8 day or annual rod licence
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