Below is a copy of the itinerary for the North Wales Local Fisheries Advisory Group Conference held this year at Trawsfynidd visitors Centre. As you can see, at the request of the LFAG, the whole thing was based around training and how to get youngsters involved in angling for the morning session whilst the afternoon was devoted to poaching, enforcement and environmental crime. There was also a rather nice buffet lunch for all that attended, which unhappily was probably about half those that attended last year. I have no idea why, I thought the event was well publicised well worth effort of getting there.You missed a good day.


The speakers all acquitted themselves well, the police were represented by Constable Eryl Lloyd and Sgt Rob Taylor, Eryl having been seconded to the EAW (as was) for  several years and Sergeant Rob Taylor being the Environmental Crime supervising officer for those under his charge based in North and Central Wales. We were all pleased to hear him announce that two additional police officers have been added to the Bangor team as part of the Enforcement Team. Whilst I have the greatest of respect for our Police Force, without them we would really be in a sorry mess, I am concerned that poaching and other illegal fisheries activity may be about to be classified as Environmental Crime, which it surely is, and be classified and pursued in the same way, at the expense of losing the Bailiffs team or there being swallowed by the general Environmental Crime Unit. If it happens we have nobody to blame but ourselves.


The campaign in partnership with the EAW (now Natural Resources Wales) has been hosting a REPORT AN INCIDENT tab for some years now it allows anglers to confirm having dialled the 0800 80 70 60 number to record what they reported. It also allows angler to report any illegal fisheries activity when they:

  1. See suspicious evidence such as fish heads or guts near or on the riverbank
  2. See post fixed in the bank side to hold nets.
  3. See nets in the river. PLEASE do not remove them, even if they have live fish in. Leave them and report them.
  4. Hear about poaching having taken place.
  5. Hear of poaching being planned.
  6. Anything to give the bailiff and fisheries team a clue as to what is going on.


The Welsh Assembly Government has given us the opportunity to establish objectively, in partnership with Natural Resources Wales, exactly what the level of poaching and illegal fisheries is. If you were to ask me, on the evidence you have provided, how much poaching is going on I would have to say very little. I suspect that is not the case, but suspicion is no good: we need documentary evidence, records of reports and the like. They have not been forthcoming.


The opportunity must not be lost, we have this year to provide the evidence   Over to you!!


 Cynhadledd Pysgodfeydd          Gogledd Cymru


North Wales

Fisheries Conference


Cyrraedd a phaned / Arrive and Coffee


15 mins

Welcome & introduction

Alan Winstone


20 mins

Angling Cymru – Training members to be coaches and what AC can offer clubs

Ken Parry and Nick Massey


20 mins

Fishing Wales – How to promote your fishery to all

Rhys Llywelyn


20 mins

Triploids – Exploring and dispelling the myths

Shaun Leonard


45 mins

Discussions with stands



50 mins

Cinio / lunch


10 mins

Enforcement – How we work together

Dylan Williams


10 mins

The Campaign for the Protection of Welsh Fisheries –

We have to be consist in reporting illegal fisheries activities and why

Allan Cuthbert


30 mins

 Enforcement – Rural crime and how fishery owners can help

Eryl Lloyd and Sgt Rob Taylor


20 mins

Enforcement – Real life cases and equipment demonstration

Sarah Jones & Elwyn Roberts


30 mins

Questions to speakers and the panel



Geiriau cloi a darfod

Final words and close

Alan Winstone


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